We feel things; from a mild touch, to the feeling we have for someone.
But there's one feeling we get to feel that we ignore most times.

The feeling time gives us.

At a moment, we feel the warm embrace of time. This feeling gives us a signal that time is upon us; more like it froze and we have a lot of time on our side.
However, there comes a time when it feels like time is slowing loosing it's grip from us.
It's like holding tightly to sand but yet it still escapes us.
It might seem sad has it is impossible to catch up with time. Because it's like running a race that we know we will never win.

But even though it seems like time is not static it leaves traces of it's existence.
It leaves behind a gift called memories and moments that will last for eternity.
Therefore, we need to know that at every second is  a moment to make change or create lasting memory.
With everyone we meet or spend with, we are entitled to create an everlasting memory.

Time is impartial it gives back what we create for ourselves. If we use time wisely, we would be exhilarated whenever we open the gift of memories time leaves behind for us. If not we feel guilty.

No matter what we find in the gift time leaves for us; we must move on and seize each day because we might not be able to catch up with time but we have a choice to determine how we feel while it runs it's race.



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