We grab a drink or food... Sometimes a blanket and settle down on our couch as we get set to be transported into a world made to entertain us. We stare eagerly at our screens as a story, frictionally moulded into perfection unfolds itself. Studies show that the average person spends 78,000 hours watching tv. That is approximately nine years watching TV ..... When the credits roll and our screens turn black, the question is, has the story ended? The truth is the story continues, but this time it's within us .... This shows up when we begin to pick up traits from a character we like... Reacting to a situation has earlier seen in a scene. Movies are scripted, but our lives aren't. As we try to create moments in our lives, we must ask ourselves... Is this a moment truly designed by our own minds Or is it a scene seen before... but this time we are the actors? For our stories are scripts yet to be premiered and every action still forms the scenes and plots. The...